Meet the Artist event : Saturday 21th October 2017
Location :The Canvas Art Gallery 81 East High Street Forfar
When :Saturday 21st October 2017
Ron Lawson will be joining us in the gallery on Saturday 21st October between 5.30 and 8pm
Showcasing a fantastic collection of his latest original work along with 6 new limited edition
prints due for release next week.
(You can pre-order your prints here)
Ron’s art captures the iconic beauty of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and
is inspired by his exploring of these areas by bicycle, armed with a sketchbook and camera.
Many of his images feature dark brooding skies as the backdrop with his signature
whitewashed crofter cottages, sheep, mountains or castles.
The striking imagery of Ron’s work is now attracting attention from all over the world.
We hope you are able to join us to meet and chat with Ron in person and have
the opportunity to view these captivating paintings at close hand.
We hope to see you there.